Defense One
"The Long, Dangerous March South Asian Migrants Make Through South America to Get to the US,"
The Shipibo-konibo of Cantagallo: preserving indigenous culture in a slum
“The Born-Again Christian Who Flies a Drone for God,"
“The Age of Drone Vandalism Begins with an Epic NYC Tag,"
"Closed for murder: NJ city tries to stem crime by imposing business curfew"
“Help Us, Princess Leia: Inside The Quest To Make Holograms Mainstream,”
“The future of the drone: From war machine to crop duster"
“Not our drones: Unlike drones, kite photography insists on staying under the radar and out of trouble"
“Steve Jobs' Is the Thrilling, Sacrilegious, and Frightening Biopic We Never Needed”
“A Giant Hole Is Swallowing a Town in Peru”
"Gettinger and Holland Michel: Disaster in NYC's skies?"
“Inside a Top-Secret Factory Where Scent Is Made”